These are the posters from Alan Tang movies I have collected to date with the help and dedication of Alan Tang fan Irene. A very special thanks goes to her.

Absolute Monarch also called Blood Fingers(1980)

Alan Tang and Chen Chen in Why, I Love You

Don't Kill Me, Brother (Wu Du Bu Zhan Fu)Note: This title does not appear on Alan Tang's Filmography

The Dynamite Brothers

Flaming Brother (Alan Tang in lower left)

Gunn n' Rose

Gunn n' Rose

Iron Bull

New York Chinatown a Thai Poster

Black Panther Warriors

Private Life

One Year's Fantasy also Love in a Cubicle (1974)

Return Engagement a Thai Poster

Run Lover Run Banner

The Yellow Peril also called Disasters
These are the post cards from Alan Tang's career that I have collected to date.

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